I woke up this morning pulled open my curtains & was greeted by a white world. I got dressed before the sun was even fully awake & went for my first winter stroll. The streets were all but empty so I could just walk along & listen to the crunch under my Timberlines. It felt great. I was a little kid again, it almost felt as good as a snow day from school, even though I still had to go to work. I couldn't help but keep giggling to myself every few feet along the way. Jack Frost has arrived in Banff.

It's perfect snow too. The kind that packs tight in snowballs & clings to your eyelashes. I want to skip work, spend the day making snowmen & a campaign of snow angels. I want to go tobogganing & then curl up on the couch with a cozy blanket & a big mug of hot chocolate, with a splash of baileys, & watch a feel good movie while it continues to snow outside. This is the season I've missed. The season of down & flannel, mittens with string & good old fashion Canadian tukes.
I know that 5 or 6 months of this really is a bit much. and I may try to escape some place warm before its all over. In a month or so I'll be complaining about the -20c & my runny nose. I'll probably hate the sight of snowplows & never want to see another ski jacket as long as I live. I'll spend my nights dreaming of my hammock on the beach & the perfect pina colada. But I'm not thinking about that today. Today I'm thinking that this is absolutely perfect, absolutely beautiful & absolutely Canadian.