Sunday, November 05, 2006

Not Uplifting

Have you ever had one of those mornings when everything that could go wrong does? And your left to wonder, "why did I even bother to get out of bed"?
You over sleep, spill coffee on your jacket, have a fat day, arrive late for work, & then embarrass yourself in front of a cute colleague. All before noon. Welcome to my day!
I hate these mornings because they ruin my whole day. I spend the rest of my time using all my energy trying to climb out of my funk. And in my line of work moody doesn't play. I need to be welcoming & friendly all day, every day. Well, today it just ain't gonna happen. I don't have the strength to fake it.
I know I should make the effort because negative energy just attracts more negative energy (& vise versa). I know that goes against physics, but such is life. The snowball, if not stopped at the beginning can evolve into an avalanche. I know in my mind that if I force myself to smile, eventually I'll really be smiling. Change your mind, change your mood. I know this. I know that if I make the effort to be positive that my day will improve, or at least my perception of my day will improve. But I just don't have the necessary initial investment. The negativity is too strong & I'm too tired to fight it. All I can hope is I don't pass it along to anyone else, because it is highly contagious.
So, I am wishing my life away, as I pray for the end of this miserable day with all its spilled coffee & embarrassing moments.
Days like today really shouldn't be written down for prosperity, they should be forgotten. But as I said, I'm simply not strong enough today. So I'll write it down & wallow in it for a while. Until I can go home, pull the covers over my head & forget any of it ever happened.