Good-Bye My Love
I am most possibly the dumbest smart person I know. I'm just absent minded. I forget simply tasks & fumble my way through most days. Ask me about the Gross National Product, International Immigration Laws or even the root of Pi and I'm on the ball. Really, I am. But in day to day functioning, I'm a mess.
Well this week I did the unthinkable. I lost my iPod. I must admit, I didn't take very good care of him. I took him for granted really. I threw him around the apartment, tossed him in & out of gym bags, left him under my smelly runners or rubbing up against my keys as I ran to work. Once or twice I even stepped on him. I didn't mean to, it was an accident. I just aways thought he'd be there. And now he's gone, forever.
As silly as it may seem to those of you still carting around the extra 5 pds of diskman. I'm a bit lost
without my daily soundtrack. Even my walk to the post office this morning felt like a task.

So to whom ever has found my beloved iPod: Be good to him. Appreciate him. And take good care of him. I didn't and now he's gone. Mom was right, I don't take care of my things.
Also, I hope you enjoy the Doors I put on there, I added a little Hip, some Dylan & tossed in a bit of Nellie Furtado... Enjoy!