Retail Therapy
I don't have an unlimited disposable income. I don't think I have any disposable income actually. But I do however, on occasion, like to pretend. I'll admit, sometimes pretending becomes buying. But usually its just pretending. Every once in a while I get the almost uncontrollable urge to just shop. The last time I got the urge was in Vancouver, Robson St, almost a year ago. Well, pretending didn't quite work that day, 2 hours & $1200 later, I felt purged. Unfortunately, I don't work the high seas anymore. I can't spend $$$ like I actually have it. I shouldn't have really done it then either, but I did.
Now, I'm in Banff. Which for those of you unfamiliar with this particular point of geography/retail. I can't really shop if I want to. Except for sporting goods & local art. So do I let go of my stanch belief in the power of retail therapy? Become a penny pincher? Invest in my future, any future? Of course not! Instead, I have discovered the beauty & convenience of online shopping. Capitalism at my fingertips & delivered directly to my door in less then 7 days. How cool is that?
I've reluctantly decided to share some of my fabulous online finds. There are some pretty terrible sights out there, but these are awesome. I could spend all day browsing on here. Yes, pink is my new favorite colour but no, not everything on here is pink. Actually very little is. Not a huge selection, but worth a look. Everything from clothing- wallpaper. Every one who knows me pretty much knows I've been decorating my imaginary house for a few years now. I got idea overload from there home decor link. There's a zen tea pot & a wall print on here I must own. Pics are a little small, can strain the eyes a bit. But the clothes are definately wearable.
Great retro tees spot is Morphine Generation or you could just make your own at Bang On.
But my absolute favorite, hands down is Feminine, vintage-inspired, totally perfect.
And, best of all, browsing online is stress free. No aggressive sales people. No panicked crowds. No
screaming kids. No sore feet.

Playing around on the sights doesn't really cure my shopping itch. But it can inspire & it does give me a goal. And you gotta have a goal.