RUT= 'a fixed or established mode of procedure or course in life, usually dull or unpromising. '
And this is exactly where I find myself today. The last place I want to be, yet here I am. WORK-EAT-SLEEP.
My body always seems to know when I'm in a rut before my head. I start to feel tense & anxious. I wake with a scream trapped in my chest. I dream of just running & never having to stop. I search every horizon for a sign, a clue.

I know that everything will change soon enough. Spring is fast approaching & I am making plans to leave Banff in May. I'm just a sucker for instant gratification. Soon is never soon enough.
I think I thrive in chaos. I never seem to be happy unless I'm changing, moving or in the middle of some new shadow of unpredictability.