And The Award Goes To...
I'm very proud to report that Canada had the distinguished honor of receiving the 'Fossil of the day' award at the UN's International Conference on Climate Change in Kenya this week. The title is awarded by the Climate Action Network to the country that is deemed to have contributed the least to progress during the talks. Wow! what an accomplishment. When the floods come, we'll know who to thank.
So basically, as our supreme leader, Mr. Harper, pulls our country slowly but decisively away from the Kyoto Protocol, he also has no working alternative. If he did we would have had something to contribute.
Our planet is slowly burning up & no one seems to give a damn, least of all Mr. Harper. The last report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control (IPCC) is a very depressing read, I don't recommend it. Summed up, the world is getting warmer. Which when your a Canadian staring down the barrel end of yet another cold & miserable winter, doesn't really sound so bad, actually, its pretty enticing. and if that's all there was to it, I'd be out there with G.W giving the finger to the tree hugging hippies. Because its only November & I'm freezing my arse off already. But that is not all there is to it.Global surface temperatures have risen 0.6 degrees Celsius. Snow cover has decreased 10%. The lakes & rivers in the North are frozen 2 weeks less a year. Non-polar mountain glaciers are in noticeable retreat. The global sea level has risen between 0.1 - 0.2 meters.
These changes cause floods, intense weather patterns, storms, droughts, & heat waves. With developing countries being the most vulnerable. Great, like they don't have enough on their plate. It's almost comical, that the countries who produce the least greenhouse gases are the very ones going to suffer the most because of them.
The World Wildlife Fund predicts that polar bears may be pushed to extinction by 2100, due to the ice melt. Caribou, Musk Ox & reindeer may find themselves pushing for space as well, as there habitat become smaller. Native American communities will also start to find there lands & way of life forever changed as the land & the animals change.
Industrial countries have been pumping out heat trapped greenhouse gases in an ever increasing amount since the 19th century. Isn't it time we stood up & took responsibility for it. Before its too late & we all fry, if we don't drown first, or get swallowed by a tsunami, or die of thirst.