Of Course God has a Sense of Humour...Have you Seen the Platypus?
I've got another one >ahref>http://www.wondercafe.ca/ Its a new site started by the United Church. They're hoping to lure new followers, apparently their numbers have been dwindling. They have a whole new 3 year ad campaign as well, which by the way includes a squirrel. That's really all I have to say about it, they have a squirrel.
I love these people. I'm not a member of the church, I'm not even religious in that weekly sort of way. But I watched the EZ Squirrel video & saw these campaigns & laughed so hard it hurt. Actually, I think I peed a little, just between you & me. A bobble head Christ!!! I don't care who you are, that's funny! And I want one. More than just funny, they've got people talking. 2 days ago I could say with relative certainty that I had had about...Oh, I don't know, ZERO conversations about the United Church in my life time. I've had 2, just today.
How much fun does sex have to be before its a sin? That's genius. I want to shake the hand of the person who came up with this campaign. I hope they got paid well. I mean a church actually using laughter instead of fear to convert the masses is revolutionary (I cannot believe I just used that word to describe a church). But it flies in the face of all things pious. I mean aren't we suppose to be solemn & timid. Walk around with our heads bowed looking at our footwear.
And God forbid if we should ever dare to ask a question (logic has nothing to do with religion). Because this campaign is not only funny, its debatable. They are actually encouraging people to talk about the issues.
You have no idea how many days I spend in the corner of my Roman Catholic classroom because I asked an "inappropriate" question. Until I finally realized, about half way through the school year, that all questions were "inappropriate" to Sister Madeline. And to be a "good" catholic meant to sit quietly & on occasion, nod & smile. Needless to say Sister Mad & I did not get along so well & the corner is not really such a bad place when you consider the mindless alternative.

It's also very smart from a marketing stand point. I think we all had it figured out by the time we were 7 that if we made mom laugh before we asked for the thing we knew she didn't want to give us we had a better chance of getting it.
People are just more open to change & to new ideas when their happy. It's not rocket science.
I know that no everyone is going to find these ads funny. The Bible thumpers will be out in full force, throwing around words like blasphemy & heretical, because heaven forbid anyone should (intentionally) laugh at religion.
I don't care want anyone thinks, I love it, the whole concept. I mean really, when a Jehovah's Witnesses knocks on your door at some God forsaken time in the morning you pretend your not home, admit it, you hide. But if he started telling a knock knock joke on your front porch, you'd open that door, just to hear the punchline. I know you would. I would.