Sunday, December 31, 2006

Give a Little

If you haven't heard of Heifer, they are a great organization. Its not charity, its sustainable development. You can donate $$$ or purchase a donation from their gift catalogue. I try to buy them something at least once a year. Check them out please.

Happy New Year!!!!

I love this time of the year. I just love the idea of a clean slate. The chance to get it right this time. No matter how many mistakes, no matter how desperate or ill-conceived the past year may have been, this time I could get it right. Eat better, meditate daily, finish that first chapter...its all right there just waiting for me. It's a season brimming with new ideas, exploding with possibility.

There's a hopeful energy surging through everything & everyone. I wake a little earlier & pop out of bed with an ounce more bounce. The mind reels as I think of all the things I could accomplish in 12 whole months.

Its like one big do over.

Now, what to do first?

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.

-Alan Cohen

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Picture of The Week

Pet Peeves...on a bad day

* Rude People. You know who you are. There is just no need for you to exist. "Please", "Thank You", "Excuse me", these are not unnecessary, you however are.
* People who talk just to hear themselves speak. Not everything said is interesting or necessary. There really is no need to try & fill up every single piece of empty space with something. Especially when that something is really nothing & just makes me want to smack you.
* Dumb people. I'm not talking about not knowing the square root of Pi. I mean people who lack any common sense whatsoever. People with less think through skills then a piece of dead wood.
* Screaming kids. If you can't control your ankle biters inside the home, don't bring them outside the home. There is no need for everyone to have to suffer for your mistakes or lack of parental know how.
* "Have a Happy Period." Are you kidding me? I just know it was a man that came up with that particular ad gem. And every time I notice it, I happen to be on my "happy" period & inches from homicidal. Which of course relates us back to the dumb people I mentioned earlier.
* Morning people. Just because you feel the need to have a conversation before a cup of coffee doesn't mean the rest of us do. So zip it, or prepare to be harmed.
I'm sure I have more. But I just can't be bothered today.


Monday, December 18, 2006

Sneaked Up on Me Again This Year...

So Christmas is fast approaching & am I ready? Of course not!!! Every year is the same. I start planning in Nov & never get anything done until the week before. I don't even have all my Christmas cards written. Though, in my defense, I do have a lot of Christmas cards to write (48 to be precise). and I copt out a bit this year & sent e-cards to about another 20, mostly to avoid the hassle of tracking down addresses. So I don't feel too bad about the cards, I have about half of them sent, (pat on the back). I've got to edit that card list next year, really I do, it just keeps getting bigger. Pretty soon I'll be all year just writing cards. As for gifts, it'll be January before anyone at home gets my gifts because I don't even have them in the mail yet. And that's a shame because a few of them are kinda seasonal. So mom's not going to get to use her Santa plates until next year. Not to worry, she'll understand, where do you think I got my procrastinating ways.

Someday, I'll get it all together. Everyone will get their cards the first week of December & their gifts will all arrive a few days before Christmas, so they can settle in under the tree & the kids can all take their turn shaking them, trying to guess what could be hidden inside. I don't stress about it. The people who know me know that this is how it is.

But one year, maybe soon, I'll surprise them. Most likely it'll just be the one time & none of them should expect it to continue because it more then likely was a total fluke. But just once would be enough for me.

Maybe next year, of course I said that this year, & last year & the year before....

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Retail Therapy

I don't have an unlimited disposable income. I don't think I have any disposable income actually. But I do however, on occasion, like to pretend. I'll admit, sometimes pretending becomes buying. But usually its just pretending. Every once in a while I get the almost uncontrollable urge to just shop. The last time I got the urge was in Vancouver, Robson St, almost a year ago. Well, pretending didn't quite work that day, 2 hours & $1200 later, I felt purged. Unfortunately, I don't work the high seas anymore. I can't spend $$$ like I actually have it. I shouldn't have really done it then either, but I did.

Now, I'm in Banff. Which for those of you unfamiliar with this particular point of geography/retail. I can't really shop if I want to. Except for sporting goods & local art. So do I let go of my stanch belief in the power of retail therapy? Become a penny pincher? Invest in my future, any future? Of course not! Instead, I have discovered the beauty & convenience of online shopping. Capitalism at my fingertips & delivered directly to my door in less then 7 days. How cool is that?
I've reluctantly decided to share some of my fabulous online finds. There are some pretty terrible sights out there, but these are awesome. Everything from Hollywood high fashion to Target Couture. I could spend all day browsing on here. Yes, pink is my new favorite colour but no, not everything on here is pink. Actually very little is. Not a huge selection, but worth a look. Everything from clothing- wallpaper. Every one who knows me pretty much knows I've been decorating my imaginary house for a few years now. I got idea overload from there home decor link. There's a zen tea pot & a wall print on here I must own. Pics are a little small, can strain the eyes a bit. But the clothes are definately wearable.
Great retro tees spot is Morphine Generation or you could just make your own at Bang On.
But my absolute favorite, hands down is Feminine, vintage-inspired, totally perfect.
And, best of all, browsing online is stress free. No aggressive sales people. No panicked crowds. No screaming kids. No sore feet.
Playing around on the sights doesn't really cure my shopping itch. But it can inspire & it does give me a goal. And you gotta have a goal.

Monday, December 11, 2006


What makes a person stop?

Do they just wake up one morning & think, 'this is far enough, I refuse to go any further'?
Is it a conscious choice?
Is there doubt?
My brother Michael died 2 years ago yesterday. Truthfully, he didn't 'die' he killed himself. I haven't talked about him in those years, not even to my family. I try not to even think about him. I think I might hate him. I don't want to, but I think I might. And I have no idea how to make that stop.
Sometimes I dream about him. We're driving in a car, I don't recognize the scenery but it's beautiful. I get out of the car to take a photo of a sea view & when I turn around he has driven off without me. He just drives off & leaves me stranded in this place I don't know.
Sometimes we're in an old house. There are dozens of people around, I stop to admire a painting on the wall & when I turn around he's gone. I catch him going down a spiral stair case. I try to follow him but I can't catch up. The stairs seem to descend forever, there's just no end to them. An old woman tells me not to bother. She tells me I'll never catch him where he's going. Whenever I have this dream I always wake up crying. I had it a few times before I could remember it well enough to get why I was crying. I get it now.
I never mention him to my family. They all rushed home for the funeral, had him buried on church ground, next to dad.
I've studied suicide. I'm more than familiar with all the psychological reasoning. I know all the theories of depression, chemical imbalances, psychotic breaks, & on & on & on. None of it matters. The truth is he quit the game half way through & left the rest of us holding the cards.
I've never been one to hold a grudge. I know better than some the freedom you can find in forgiveness. But sometimes when a grudge is all you have, its just all you have. And there's no resolution to be found if you ask me. You can't argue with the wind.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Good-Bye My Love

I am most possibly the dumbest smart person I know. I'm just absent minded. I forget simply tasks & fumble my way through most days. Ask me about the Gross National Product, International Immigration Laws or even the root of Pi and I'm on the ball. Really, I am. But in day to day functioning, I'm a mess.

Well this week I did the unthinkable. I lost my iPod. I must admit, I didn't take very good care of him. I took him for granted really. I threw him around the apartment, tossed him in & out of gym bags, left him under my smelly runners or rubbing up against my keys as I ran to work. Once or twice I even stepped on him. I didn't mean to, it was an accident. I just aways thought he'd be there. And now he's gone, forever.

As silly as it may seem to those of you still carting around the extra 5 pds of diskman. I'm a bit lost without my daily soundtrack. Even my walk to the post office this morning felt like a task.

So to whom ever has found my beloved iPod: Be good to him. Appreciate him. And take good care of him. I didn't and now he's gone. Mom was right, I don't take care of my things.

Also, I hope you enjoy the Doors I put on there, I added a little Hip, some Dylan & tossed in a bit of Nellie Furtado... Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


The God Gene???

A God gene? Could there be such a thing? A researcher in Maryland thinks 'yes'. Dr Dean Hamer, Ph.D., has discovered a gene called VMAT2 that comes in two forms. One of those forms may help us to experience transcendent occurrences, like feeling the presence of God. VMAT2 controls feel-good chemicals, like serotonin & dopamine. Dr. Hamer thinks that this same family of chemicals prime us for religious experiences. Dr. Hamer estimates that about 50% of people have the God gene.

I've been searching for God, spiritual connectedness, the Truth, the 'I don't know what really', for as long as I can remember. I don't know why I do & I have no I idea where or when my fascination with the Divine began. I only know that its always seemed to be there. Could it be possible that I am just genetically predisposed to search for God?

If there is a God gene, what could it be for? Genes are all business. There's no fun or just because when it comes to genes, not really. Each one has a task, a function. They don't just exist, they all have a required purpose. Dr. Hamer theorizes that just as our instincts for reproduction & food sustain our species, maybe those individuals with the God gene have an advantage in the whole survival of the fittest racked.
Studies have shown that being religious can improve overall health. People who worship in some form have better functioning immune systems & are 40% less likely to have high blood pressure. God it seems is the ultimate destressor. Besides making you healthy, it can also help to keep you on the straight & narrow, which can keep you safer. Faith encourages social & cultural interactions that can help people form bonds. It also induces optimism, which is proven to help people live longer.
Now the research also concludes that there is no specific religion or creed that works best. Mulling over a strand of prayer beads, sitting quietly & reading the Quran, or hunkering down in Lotus, all seem to have the same benefits. If done mindfully. Its the purpose behind the action that seems to carry all the benefits. So if you think you can just haul your sorry ass to church once a week & live longer, you're shit outta luck.
In fact meditation, one of the most purposeful forms of spirituality has an overload of benefits. And is not restricted to 'OM' chanting yoga gurus. I learned about meditation from my great-grandmother, who would, twice a day sit in her rocking chair & completely zone out on her rosary. (Maybe a coincidence, but she also lived to be 98 & was without a doubt sharper & stronger then I've ever been). Its actually proven that meditation makes people smarter. Areas of the brain responsible for decision making, planning & other high level activities don't seem to deteriorate with age in long term mediators. It can also give a person all the pick me ups of a mid-day nap. 40 minutes in Lotus is the equivalent of 4-5 cups of joe. No wonder Buddha is always smiling.
I don't know why I search for God. If it's genetic or not. I don't even know if there is anything to find. I may be completely off course. And there may be nothing behind the curtain except giant dust balls. But if I am wrong, where's the harm?
I do know that my search has managed to keep me on the straight & narrow. I'm safe & healthy. It has often given me purpose & meaning in times when I was in desperate need of them. It's offered me direction at more then one fork. I don't have high blood pressure, even though it runs in my family. I sleep like a log & people say I'm not too dumb. I tend to take life in stride, with some inner believe that it all really does work out in the wash. And until someone proves me wrong, such is life. It won't be the first time I've been wrong. But it may be the first time I wouldn't mind being wrong. Because in this case its really not the right or wrong of it that matters. But only did it improve my life? Did it effect my character?
Here's to the good fight & the mindful search.

True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness.
-Albert Einstein

Monday, December 04, 2006

National Day of the Artisan

Today is Mexico's National Day of the Artisan. A day to celebrate the social & cultural contributions of its artists & creative thinkers. I like the idea of having a day to appreciate the work & contributions that artists make in our lives. And they do, whether we realize it or not. They often challenge the percieved 'status quo'. Or help to pass on history, traditions & cultural integrity to newer generations.
The names of the worlds great artists have become part of our vocabulary. You don't have to be an art history major to know who Michelangelo was or that we owe the Sistine chapel to his outrageous talent. Andy Warhol practically defined New York in the 70's & through into the 80's. His work helped to erase the distinction between fine art & popular culture. Actually, you can thank Andy for the entire concept of "pop-culture".

Frida Kahlo, possibly Mexico's most famous artist, was a woman. In the early 20th century, in a venomously religious country like Mexico, she was a woman, a divorcee, a bi-sexual, a communist & an artist, changing the way women thought & were perceived. A lowly female, influencing the culture of an entire generation, and still influencing people today.

Art is meant to help us unlock the human condition. It can often bring truth & understanding to a world in desperate need of both. It forces us to look at ourselves.., warts & all.

Side note: Today is also the day that the Museum of Modern Art inadvertently hung Matisse's 'Le Bateau' upside down & left it that way for 47 days in 1961. Maybe it looked better that way. Maybe Matisse would have approved. When has any great artist ever been upset by a fresh point of view?
"No longer shall I paint interiors with men reading and women knitting. I will paint living people who breathe and feel and suffer and love."
-Edvard Munch

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Just a giggle

Photo of the Week

Starbucks wins back another one

Yes it's so true. I broke down. I'm weak. 7 months without one cup of joe & now 5 cups in the last 2 days. I just needed it O.K!!! I know caffeine is the devil but it keeps me awake & stops me from harming others & I don't think that's such a bad thing really. I have come to the conclusion that coffee is just a necessary evil. I've made peace with my weakness. 3 cheers Juan Valdez!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Check Mate?

This just in: The World Chess Federation has decided to introduce dope testing. Chess + Dope testing !!!Testing for what exactly, Gingo Bilobo? I don't think there is a steroid out there that enhances brain activity. I'm not a scientist, I've run no tests. I do however go to the gym. Therefore I do interact with these neck less buffoons. And as bad as I am at chess, I'd wagger I could take anyone of them. I could kick their ass, at chess, or checkers, or even snakes & ladders.
The WCF is hoping that the testing will help to raise the international standards of the 'sport' (a term I use loosely) & hopefully help to make chess an Olympic sport in the future.
I'm sorry, no offense to chess players. I know its an extremely difficult game. It takes a lot of mental agility to play chess... & win. I know, I have a nephew who's been beating me since he was seven. However, that said, if chess ever becomes an Olympic sport, I will boycott the Olympics. I mean really. Table tennis is embarrassing enough.
(Side note, the IOC is also looking to recognise tug of war, yes you heard me, TUG OF WAR. A game you can play with your dog & a chew toy. But at least that's physical).
The Olympics is not a forum for mental competition. It is a test of physical strength & endurance. Hence, ancient Greece, the gladiators, the Adonis. They weren't sitting around playing chess, at least not in the arena. Maybe at home in their spare time, on the porch with the neighbour.
Are they trying to make a mockery out of the entire Olympic spirit? Well, at least I'll still have the winter Olympics, minus curling of course.

Just A Thought

Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas & splendid plans:

That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents & meetings & material assistance. Which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets, "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power & magic in it."

-W.H Murray

Friday, December 01, 2006

World AIDS Day

Today is world AIDS day. 40 million people are living with the disease world wide. There are only 36 million people residing within Canada. More people have AIDS then live in this country. And its not getting any better. AIDS is increasing in every single region of the world. Including Canada. 58,000 people in this country are currently living with the virus. That's a 16% increase from 2002.
Since the virus was first discovered in 1981, it has claimed the lives of 25 million people. In 2005, 2.8 million people died & 4.1 million were newly infected.
With all of the information, funding & prevention out there it is hard to believe its still winning. But it is. Forget for a moment the images on the evening news. Forget the infection rates of sub Saharan Africa. Which can at times seem so remote & far away. We talk so much about countries like Africa & India. The struggle seems to become a battle "over there", and we forget that this country, like every other on this planet is in this fight. Another Canadian is infected with HIV every 2 hours. There's a chance that someone you know is being infected while you read this.
The fight is not just about India or Africa, even though their infection rates are the highest, so too are their populations. Taken in a per capita ratio, we are not so different. We are by no means immune.
The saddest thing is that AIDS & health organizations world wide estimate that millions more are infected & are completely unaware of it. The first step any of us can take toward prevention is to simply get tested.

For more information about AIDS & AIDS research/prevention and are great sites, as is

Educate yourself!
Get tested!
Take your head out of you ass!!

It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance.
-Elizabeth Taylor